Teamwork in a Large Scale Event Wednesday - 1st January 2020

Hosting events is not always easy and if you do not have the right team then there is a higher chance of things going wrong. However, the question is, what does having good team really mean? There is a ton to consider when creating the best team, not only do you want them to work hard, there is also the factor of making sure they feel supported.

A Large-Scale Event Checklist

Preparing your team

From planning, to the actual event there are check points to consider along the way. There are a million cheesy catchphrases that explain how important teamwork is, but they are extremely relevant. They have come from the list of things that have gone wrong when teamwork hasn’t gone right.

Through the hundreds of events we hold per year, we have accumulated tips and tricks that should be considered when organising your team for large scale events. Our events can be held for new product launches, corporate events, global company events and more. So, there is high pressure that can occur and as a team we try to monitor this and follow a priority checklist.


Stay on the same page as the stakeholders especially those who make the decisions. With large scale events there is most likely more than one person that has a say on the event itself. Making sure that every stakeholder is on the same page with other stakeholders and yourself, should be made a priority throughout the journey. They should be considered as another working team member. Any big decisions that are made can then be confirmed by another decision maker and the event can run as smoothly as possible.

Communication is the key to all success, and it is important to build that relationship where you are able to set expectations and have opportunity to say “No” if you need to. If you do not set expectations and try to accommodate everyone’s opinion there is a higher risk of getting it wrong. Overall being clear and open about what can be achieved throughout this process is what matters. The team extends beyond your own and having the stakeholders on side will make the atmosphere a better one.


A place to start is always creating a calendar that is followed throughout and adapted as changes occur. It is natural for the plan to change and having constant communication whilst being prepared to adapt is the key for the whole event. The amount of time large scale events take should not be underestimated, so preparing an organised calendar is another must. The whole team will be able to know what and when they need to complete the work. Alongside this there should be a priority task list made as well as a timescale of what needs to be done and always prepare for the unexpected.

Getting the date in the diary as soon as possible so that everyone has a time to work towards. Whether your entire team is running the whole event, or you outsource some parts, everyone needs to be aware of the completion date.

Skilled Team

The team will be the life and soul of this event. Events planners often use their own teams and the work that is produced is done efficiently through a collaborative way of working. The work as a coordinator should be spent wisely in making the right team. Selecting the right skills once knowing the theme and what is needed.

Psychological safety

Putting work into your team will support them in producing the greatest work. It has been done time and again where staff are overworked, especially in an upbeat and intense field of work. Creating events can be stressful and as a leader if you are feeling overwhelmed can then be reflected within your staff. Having the right environment so that a staff member can express how they are feeling in times like this is significant. The event itself is ultimately the main priority in every employee’s mind, so checking in on your team will increase work activity overall.

Having a team that has a safe space to discuss openly with each other can support with problem solving, idea creation and more. They are fundamentally the cogs in the machine that keep everything running so is very important that they feel supported.

A large-scale event cannot be achieved to the best that it can by one person. Everyone involved in the process is part of that team. It is fundamentally important that everyone is on the same page and sticks to the plan, but overall making sure the team is happy throughout the whole process. Psychological safety in the workplace has been proven to increase workflow and due to the intensity of large scale events, there would be far better work produce if the team has a safe space to communicate.